Xem đầy đủ chức năng : Diary online for everyone

05-02-2006, 01:09 PM
http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/9365/gjhello048kk.gif, everyone!
How are you guys doing? I'm looking around this room, and seeing that there isn't any topic like this before. Therefore, I decide to make one for those who might have same thought as I am^_*, and just wanted to write something to make a mark, share happinesses, sadnesses, madnesses, confessions, or a crush on someone, hihi..etc...(but if you're mad, and want to write, please avoid some forbbiden vocabularies, so that we all can understand and be nice to each others^.^, I can know when a person is mad, he or she can't control himself or herself, so please be gracious:huglove: )
Too much talking right, hihi...let's begin to write something down:)
It's Sunday, that meant I woke up late as usual:hihi:, of course, every teenagers like to sleep late on weekend (don't know about you guys, but for me, I'm a sleepy chid^.^, oops...I confess, so don't tell anyone:whis: ). Got breakfast or called "lunch":burger:, then logged in to HHT, wandered around with some posts, and stopped right here. So long, I got to get back to my studying "homework", prepare for some tests this week^o^
Talk to you guys and girls later, write something, I'd love to read your replies^.^, causes this topic is for everyone:huglove:



05-02-2006, 02:36 PM
well I guess I'm gonna be the second one who write this :).
Today is Sunday.. a snowy day... this week.. it's a long weekend.. 3 dayz... staying at home even thought I got plans with my friends. Unfortunately, I can't leave the house. So that means I owed them twice.. becuz I couldn't come for 2 times :(.. But we chilled at my house on friday though.. it was funn... So, on friday.. Cindy.. Aley.. David and Ryan came over to my house around like 2 or 3... 1st.. we were bored... they were checking out my house.. like everywhere... they went to my bed room.. my cousin's.. my aunt's... and my bathroom.. I accidently forgot something in my bath tub.. then Aley and Cindy found out.. they were laughing in the bathroom.. I walked to them and asked " what are you guyz laughing at?"... they couldn't help themselves laughing.. then they pulled me in and showed me.. * SHOCK *.. I was like.. omgg.. i forgot about that.. then we all were laughing so hard.. David and Ryan didn't know why we were laughing.. they came and ask us what's so funny.. they went in my bathroom... Cindy went out... left me and Aley in there... then we had a plan.. I told Aley go out.. and keeep the guy in my computer room.. and let me put " them " away [ sorry I don't wanna say what it is :)]... when I finished put them away.. David went in the bathrooom and check out what we were laughing about.. he checked everywhere... he lost... he can't find anything.. they were asking us.. but we can't say it.. we were just laugh and laugh and laugh... after that.. we went on the computer... we listened to music.. we laughed at the video called " fairytale ".. Aley and me was saying how ugly the guy was and how the gurl kissed the guy while she was crying :haha:... after... we all went down stair.. and they start to say how they like my house... how big it is....etc.... we went to my basement... we played cards... the game called " cheat " ... I got David so many time... he was cheated the most of the time:so_funny:... and yeah.. Ryan and Aley were taking turns to play video games haha... then I went up stair to get something to eat.. they all went outside by my back door.. I saw them went out.. I went down and locked them outside for a while... and they were banging on my door:haha:... then I opened the door for them.. they went in... we continued play cards... after that like 15 minz... we got bored... so we went back up stairs... went to my room... we went on the internet.. find some funny videos.. laughing all together... then omgg... Aley and Cindy reminded me of my ripped jean hahah... they asked me if they could have it.. I said ok.. then they borrowed from me a scissor... and they cut my jeans into milion pieces and they draw all over it... they cut my jeans into underclothes :haha:... and they made David and Ryan wear it haha... and yea.. they Cindy, David and Ryan left at 6:15... Aley left at 6:45....that was friday... old good times :)... I miss those times... so going on saturday... I woke up at 11.... and I planned to go to mall with my homies.. but then I hav to stay home cuz my aunt wont let me go.. ok then I stayed at home... so they left at around 12:30?.. I'm not sure... but yeah... around 1.. my aunt called home and saying that I could go and chill with them.. I got so maddddd... but then I tried to control myself and said no.. I can't go anymore.. she asked me why.. i said cuz they already left... then she was like ok... then i got madd.. I couldn't control it... then I called Aley and told her about it.. she got madd tooo.. cuz if my aunt tell me earlier... then we all should've been there already... I was mad at my boyz too.. cuz they left so early... I told them to wait for me until 1... but they all left at 12 =S .... urghh... at that time.. I just wanna break everything in my house... so yeahhhh... saturday is goneee... today is sunday... a boring sunday... don't go anywhere... sitting in-front of
my computer... doing nothing... planning about next saturday... Kevin and Ryan was begging me to come next saturday... so yea.. I must come on saturday to see Kevin and his new lover Jenny ;]... can't wait... I'm so excited ^^ ....

sorry .. i never thought it would be long like this :\

05-02-2006, 04:37 PM
tỷ baby:
I read the story u worte...:haha:...at first i though somethings would be scary but when u told me it was some else_i stared laughing so hard....^^

Friday: my friend and i went to my room to fix the boroken wall_one time, i got too mad, so i kicked at it_OMG...the walls broken....omg_and its like....dust everywhere_hic
After and hour long siting there, busy painting it_my wall finally looks much better^^_thanks so much to my friend Debbie...

On Friday nite_i went online untill 2o'clock in the morning and woke up at 11o'clock the next day_^^

The thing is i got in a fight with my brothers again >.<...outside, the weather was raining so hard_I left him alone in my house and went out by myself_
I went to my friends house, and she was playing with her Digi_.I told her what happend and guess what we did ? she took my to McDonal :hihi:and we chilled out there_
Afer a few hours_while i was looking outside the window watching the rains falling_she took a picture of it....:haha:...At 3p.m, I borrowed her raincoat and got back home_
I posted that pic on hht but then delete it....i don really no y im doing that ^^

Today <Sunday>, 3 of us went shoping togheter, ready for my birthaday party...:).. even though its 2 weeks from now :hihi:...I felt happy though ^^
We ate chicken wings at her house :) and went online, but i cant really go to ym cause its her computer ^^
Rite now, its 5h30_my parents almost back from work_i have to go cắm cơm :) so i have to go^ ^...

Tomorow is Mondy, another delightful day...:)

08-02-2006, 10:39 PM
Let me start by saying "Hello!" My diary will be written shortly; however, I will cut out all of the unawared privacies. Lets go back to Saturday. I woke up early on Saturday, the time when the sun barely shine right into your eyes. I fixed myself some breakfast; there were some eggs and some pancakes. After my morning routine, I took off and go to work. It was a hella busy morning. During these time of the year, people get their money back from income taxes. They spend it wisely on refiancing their houses or home improving it. Aren't they clever? They came to the office, I was sweating going through these clients. Yikes! I left work around 3PM and went to snowboarding. I had to drive almost two hours. My friends got all the gears and stuff for me, we were smoking the ice and melt it hard with our blazing speed. hihi. I almost went into the pine. Snowboarding at night is dangerous, but ladies... it is beautiful. We left the mountain at 10PM and went to eat. Those smoking hot soups were the best soups I have ever tasted. I licked the spoon like there is no more food tomorrow. 10 dollars tip for the great service. I drove home, took off my clothes, hit the shower, grabbed a beer... watch TV and sleep. Oh yah I found out that I lost my celluphone.
-I had a normal Sunday, a day just like other Sundays. Work and rest. In the evening, my friend drove to my place and took me out to eat. She is such a sweetheart.
-Monday I went to school, I got my exam back. Oh yes! I had an A- on my first exam. I deserved a nice late lunch break. On the way home, I drove to the shopping mall. I bought myself a lavender shirt. It will look great with my black dress pant. I smiled even though I spent my whole day with myself. I slept early on that day to go wake up early on Tuesday. I hate early morning classes.
-There are more to come Diary, I will catch you next time.

*I look at the signature picture above me and write the diary the whole time. This girl is hot http://i1.tinypic.com/nf1aaq.jpg

09-02-2006, 06:55 PM
My first post here. Hope I would enjoy your companion and frindship. HHHiiiii there? ( my biggest mouth) How is it going? ( my biggest smile)

24-02-2006, 12:07 AM
Why dont you write diary in xanga? It would be more fun.. every1'll have a page of their own and we can share to others..

24-02-2006, 09:21 AM
Why dont you write diary in xanga? It would be more fun.. every1'll have a page of their own and we can share to others..
I have Xanga, but I don't play with it a lot, anyway what's your xanga's username?
mine's littleheart_nt
Feel free to visit, I'd love to make friends from around the world^_*

24-02-2006, 09:34 AM
it's also my nickname : hom3gurl :)

25-03-2006, 04:27 AM
I really like this diary, so...although Iam not very good at E, i wanna write something, please read it by your heart and may be, you will like it (like I did).
Saturday, 25th,2006. Iam smiling, but Iam sad. Iam sitting in the class for Chemistry lessson but my mind is in the sky or somewhere else. I am thinking about something that I am not really sure. I wish to become a free person, I wish i could do every thing i want, but in fact, i can't. I wanna fly, but can i fly? No, i can't. I wanna someone, the only one, love me by his own heart, but is there? No, there isn't. In fact, there are only people who love me for my beauty not my characteristics. Its raining, more hardly, more hardly, but i don't care, i like rain,which are falling down my shoulder, my hair, make me get wet. Some body pass by me and say some things like : is she mad? is she crazy? or is she a loser? But i am sure, iam not mad, not crazy, i am thinking, just thinking .Do you think iam stupid? if you think that, you are right, cause i am playing cheat on you. He he

05-04-2006, 06:15 AM
This weekend I have two Subject that counted on my UAI,you can't image that how difficult the exam is...I wonder what the hell is going on?It could be that I am so tired cause of the pressure from the HSC.Next week,íll do 4 subjects that one of them is Business that I realised that i just learnt a little bit on the hold term...poor me :noidea:

05-04-2006, 03:29 PM
This moring, it was snowing, cant believe that at this time, therez still snow, the weather must be uncanny. I was so cold and sleepy while walking to the bus stop, still not getting used to the time changing...hix. Why didn't they give us a delay??? There was only like half of the students in the bus......
When I went to Mr. Flores's class, he looked at me shouted out to the class "Oh, shezz back after three days of skipping" lolz, i was not skipping, itz just that i had a fieldtrip, a doctor appointment n a make up test to do
well...I took a History quiz today n i think i did terribly on it since i studied in the last minutes ^^, hopefully i'd get over 80
man, i have a lot of work to do, 2 projects due on Friday, study for 3 quizes n an exam for tomorrow and a History test on Friday but i haven't read the chapter yet n here i am, sitting next to the comp, how lazy i am!!!...hixhix, i was absent for 2 days so i missed out a lot of notes, i think my head is going to be exploded....gotta turn off the comp n get back to my studying ^^........................

07-04-2006, 12:24 AM
Have you ever walked on the road without knowing where you want to go to ? Have you ever just stayed still and watched things happen around you , or even hitting on you without any reactions ? Have you ever tried to find out what are you thinking about ? Have you ever absolutely get lost in your mind ?
You are such a silly girl. What the hell are you doing here ? Turn of the computer and go to bed :D
Bye y'all. :lelele:

Morning coffee
08-04-2006, 09:40 PM
arrrggghhhhhh this is meant for all the people in the world..

guys out there, when u really in love with someone don't be shy to say "love", throw away your ego to the one you love because sometimes life is so unfair.. it could just take away the one you love in a moment..

guys out there, when u lost the one you love, don't be afraid to search a new love for you.. don't you ever close your heart, eyes and ears. Do feel the love again, do see the love again and do hear how the "love" word bring magic again into your life...

guys out there, marriage it's not only about love.. your heart, your job, your attitude, your understanding are the partners of love to succeed a marriage.. love without all these factors is like a ship without a captain..

guys out there, do love people everyday..fill your life with love.. hatred would only lead you to sorrow and unsatisfaction in your life...

guys out there, I do have hatred in my heart and i might have hated you in my past or in the present but now i learn to love you all!!!
( do i sound so disgusting????)
Well here's another drawing I did yesterday ^_ ^....I had some problems with the hands and the ear,lol!!I started drawing seriously this Summer because I didn't have time before ^_ ^.....my problem is that I don't have much imagination and I just copy drawings from other books like this one...my brother luckily likes to create new characters...I envy him for that!
Thx guys again....I'm not very good at doing shades though......
Hope you like this one..it's for my cousin!

16-04-2006, 12:01 AM
Diary so much fun, I love it but I don't have time to write it. :type:

This morning, I take care children with my mom. They have a lot of fun that we can't know if we don't play with them. I can't stop my laugh when I look at them. =)) I love them very much but when they make some too much something wrong. I can't believe it. I'm very mad of their fun. I kept them don't make it again.

Afternoon, I make some little baskets with some eggs in side and give one of them for one of children. They were very happy and kiss to me. I love them so much. :lelele:

At noon, I and my mom online YM. We chat with my dad, he was stay in VN. I'm so happy today because I meet him and say anything funs I got today. Thank you Diary. Love you, guy

Buồn dzu dzơ
24-04-2006, 01:12 AM
My day :D:D :
My day usually begins at six thirty. I ghet up and do some exercises for about fifteen minutes. Then T take my shower. After that I ghet dressed and have breakfast with my family. i usually have a light breakfast , consisting of toast and coffee. At seven thirty i leave for school. I generally take the bus to school. I catch the buc near my house and then walk from the bus - stop to school.It takes about thirty minutes to ghet to school. My first class is at eight thirty and I usually finish chool at three. Sometimes I stay late to have a game of volleyball or to work in the library. I usually reach home at around four o'clock. When I ghet home I like to wath TV for a while. Then I start my homework. I have dinner at seven o'clock. After that I often have more homework to do. Sometimes I what TV or go out whit friends after dinner. I generally go to bed at around ten thirty...!

07-05-2006, 10:26 AM
Time goes by quickly. It has been almost 2 years since I left for America. I miss you all so much. Sometimes, I wanna cry; but I know I shouldn't do that. I gotta be stronger and maturer to handle so many things happening around. No tears anymore.

07-05-2006, 11:20 AM
Part - Persent - Future .. uh huh!
sometimes, I want to cry but why , why I cant? What's life? And the Creator is fair, isnt it?
Want cry, want laugh ...!

I was fatherless, I had lóst my father ...! Oh my life!

If having a wish, I want, I wish ...!

18-05-2006, 07:43 AM

これってどうゆう人が見てくれてる� �だろー
公式ホームページ【苺同盟】に来て� �れてる二百万人、三百万人の人とま� ��別?一緒?

年齢とか職業とかわかれば楽しーの� �ねえ



これって本物の蛇じゃないですよね� �
こんなに蛇は使えないだろうって思� �て。

18-05-2006, 09:19 AM
Be angry, be crazy...!
What? why? and when? Oh Happiness, where are yu? where? where?

Orient Pearl
30-05-2006, 09:35 PM
i have failed in love once time, and now it stiil seem to hard for me to get a faithful love! at last, i recognized and have learned many things about my life,about what's happened for me! i wonder, why when i fall in love, i do everything that i can, and believe him... but...in one day, he still let me down, how about my family? althought i have mistaken many times, but my parents always forgive me! always beside and never let me down!
Love so slender, only the passion of your family is the everlasting love!

heo con ũn ĩn
15-06-2006, 05:22 PM
hix , what a supid rain today !!! i have a bad cold in the morning , and in the afternoon i hit a car when i drive my bike..... hope that nothing bad will happen in the evening :mecry:

Black & White
15-06-2006, 06:03 PM
Where 're you?...i don't know what 's going on... please forgive me...i knew... im wrong... i knew i broken your heart but i didn't have choose and... :rain:
i don't know what can i do now...:khocnhe:...it's hard to forget me, right?... i remember.... nothing is forever... and i followed it...
nobody can change my mind... :rain:
i was apathetic,right.... but you didn't know how difficult i was and i did...
im so sorry...

heo con ũn ĩn
16-06-2006, 05:48 AM
@what..... is that mean B and white :rain:

i have some free tickets to watch baseball in Sunday , great. :D finally, it's not a bad day 4 me ^^

18-06-2006, 02:59 PM
Today is father day :) Happy father day everyone! Im so excited, next tuessday , some of my friends are going to graduate :( Im going to mis them a lot-_-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha, i didnt study for the examination but i think i did just fine!:p . Well, i just woke up and my head feels a lil dizzy so my brain í not working currently! I dont know what else to say, well, itS beEn a lot time since i come back to HHT^_^! I think im sick -_-

23-06-2006, 02:41 PM
I never wrote a diary before, this is the first time, just for fun.
Friday, Jun 23, 2006
One day after yesterday, which is boring. i'm trying to find something fun to do(which i have not found scince i was born). ok, and the story continue, i wake up in the morning, have some breakfast which is cereal and then i wished something good will happen and then the wish came true, my neighborhood with their two scary dogs move to somewhere else and the day kêep on going, ok, now i could stop this boring story. if you reading this, thank you so much for your support. hic, hic

02-07-2006, 03:04 AM
いつか、終わってしまうのが辛いほ� �、楽しい~♪........

donot forget to remember
29-07-2006, 01:50 AM
i really like this diary but my english is very bad so what i can do???????????

29-07-2006, 02:56 AM
Today I'm very sad. Such a borring day today, I guess. Then I hope I'm wrong!
Why? Whenever I'm in the down time, whenever I'm lost in my own mind, wishing to be alone, cry out ...then forget...
How can I face this mess of worries?
They - my colleague - they scold me because I'm so sily, opinionated...I don't know how to do, I'm a new comer. Why don't they intruct me?
Oh, forget all...
Tomorrow still comes, although I weren't waiting for it!
Then...I'll pass it as I'm used to do.

Kiixixiixviiiix Kalentine
29-07-2006, 03:08 AM
another day has passed...time has elapsed so quickly...even I cannot realize what time and life has changed me...alot...in both ways...good and bad...

I seem like being lost in the track...lookin up to nobody...and surprisingly, no one goin after me...

29-07-2006, 09:21 PM
I can love oly one person and no one else, if my love for this person alienates and distances me from others, this is not love in its full flowering...:)

°¤ l3mOn sIrUp ¤°
11-08-2006, 04:00 AM
...Last nite was da BEST NIGHT dat I would never thought of. I'm not talking about da fun, friends or hangout or watever dat related tu real life. Buh wat am I talking rite now is about mah DREAM....
Da street was empty, there was no house, car or any1 around meh .... I felt so lonely..... Suddenly, the ONE whu I've been waited 4 years appeared in front of meh. Of course it's a big surprise 4 meh , coz I would never expect tu c dat ONE again. We step by step getting closer tu each other, n ONE was holding mah hand tightly as we haven't seen each other 4 so long. At dat moment, I could the warmth and heartiness by the touch of ONE's hand dat went through mah entire bodi. We walked very long long way. I dun't knu where were we going, and I didn't care as long as I was walking wth ONE. And I couldn't remember wat were we talking about either. Buh I really felt the passion. Which made meh so exhilarating. Oh my god, I'm honestly telling ya' that this is the first sweet dream in life dat I'd never dreamed of. I guess yah guys are curious about who is the ONE dat I am mentioning about since I've never hav a boyfriend or dated with anyone.. heheh.. ** BUT THERE IS THE ONE** :rain:


Ms Match
31-08-2006, 09:14 PM
a bad day after a sleeplees night! sit here and nothing to do but wait! wait for study! so stupid! it's my univer. my whole life! i ask myself if i can go home and have a short rest! god!!!!!!

30-09-2006, 05:21 PM
todai is mah birthday but it's just the same as any other days....my dad promised to drive me to da mall but his manager called him to work since they needed more person...wat to do i cant blame him
.......now im just sitting in front of da comp playing gomoku with no fun....:sign....wat a boring day

16-02-2007, 09:38 AM
hei! guyssssss
Today is Vn's new year. I 'm really sad, I miss my friends so much. I wanna go back VN to visit them. it's so boring , and i can't stand it. u know , i just stayed at my room , with computer , listened to music , watched Korean movie. It's a sad movie , and i cried so much. Dud , what am i thinking? I wanna go some palce that noboby can't find me.Sometime I hate my life , i try to control myself , and think it's just a dream.
Happy new year , hopefully u guys are always happy and lucky in new year.I love u

12-04-2007, 07:39 PM
hi everybody
this is the first time ,i write the diary since i came America I have been in America for 1 year. When i came America ,everything was new to me such as friend, school, teacher and so on. At that time, i was so sad , i cried , i only wanted to go back Vietnam.But i changed my viewpoint, i liked to live in America.The teacher is very nice and i have many friends, they are friendly, they help me so much ,they help me how to pronounce English.I think that if you study in US, it will help you have a good career for your future,and you can speak english to everybody in the world

13-05-2007, 07:02 AM
hi all,
this is the first time i write and certainly this will not be the last. i think that this is a vary interesting topic a good place for everybody to say and to share everything.
i am living in vietnam so i do not know the feeling of those who ling far away our wonderful country,but i do not also live near my friends and my family,so i think i can understand little about your feeling.yeah..it is sad. For me today is a nice day i have been very happy now becausethis day i have been at my home the feeling is so great.hope that all of you will have a nice day.goodluck

Ngày Hôm Qua
21-05-2007, 02:29 PM
Thank god, I have finished the first exame. What was stupil? I could do better, and ghet higher score. However, I m contented which I did.

22-05-2007, 09:20 PM
Today is wednesday,the day starts my own summer.It supposed to be a wonderful day but still now, nothing to write home about.I know my English is not really good but i hope all of you read by smiling.

19-06-2007, 02:53 PM
I have been sick for almost two days, ( Hix ê ẩm cả người ) and tomorrow will be my three days. I have no idea if its my ankle or head. ^+^

I was feel left out this afternoon, well, I really feel so weak, like hopeless, like there's no future. BUt thinking about it makes me think that there is hope I just dont see it right now.

BUt now, I wanna calm everything out. I am tired. I feel so sick, these delusions are killing me.

Mệt sờ mỏi..............

04-07-2007, 11:05 PM
hic hic.....when all students have to take part in the university entrance examination , i must not go to school......holiday but it is not real holiday........evil instructors forced us to do projects , asssessments.....my god , i will die soon , next week i must submit "marketing project " but now i have nothing at all......
access internet to look for some information for project( it is always become the reason for me access internet)( ặc ặc ). i always go around many websites and finishing that i have nothing...hic hic.....only teenstories or some news in my computer...huhu.....i try my best to not open the yahoo messenger.....huhuhu....

lúc nào cũng nước đến chân mới nhảy , mà lúc ấy nhảy mới xung..ặc ặc

27-08-2007, 09:44 PM
hixxxxx I hate school........every single day I have to walk to my classes around the campus , my body is so worn out after the walk and I think I lost more than 2 pounds already LOL It's good that I'm losing some fat :so_funny: but after a month, I don't think anyone will recognize me though :khocnhe: I'm getting dark........................

05-09-2007, 09:12 PM
How can I explain everything to you. I wonder do I really need to explain to you. The big word "NO" appears in front of my eyes.
For class on Friday, I need to finish the reading assignment. I also had Math quiz on Friday. Whatever, I do my best.

29-09-2007, 09:46 PM
i 've visited this box since 1 month , but today , i just find out this topic , so interesting :so_funny:..............my diary :)

I think i will apear on Tv , you know why :D......to day i take part in 1 forum of Safety traffic :D.........there so much paparazj ( :so_funny: )........so i think i will apear :D......but the most i like is :rain:.......i'm only 16 :so_funny:.......but i drove Motobike to the forum , everyone could see , but they don't have any ideas :haha:

Today , sunny , wake up early to come to the forum , too bad , i have to stand under the heat of sun , i think its 'll make me ill :benh:.....

today , try my best to go to Ha Noi to study eng :rain:......i don't want to study phonics , but this 's the only time of me and my GF.....too bad :rain:.......

today , i don't know what i 'm thinking :rain:.........waste time to the hell forum , waste time , waste this holiday..........:rain:..........

Today , i'm lonly .....don't have anyone around ........

giun dat
19-10-2007, 10:06 PM
I'm Yun. They also called me "Giun" as a worm. :so_funny: Vietnamese was my first language speaking. However, I love to sharing muh second English. It's seem so silly voices or gramma mistakes but I want to use my best ability learning for 2 years had been in US. Hopefully my teachers will not dissapoint at me because I'm a bad writter.:fi:
I'm sophermore in high school. My most interesting is fashion design. I have talent at fixing clothes and drawing. Nothing else !!! I have alot of friends , whose came from many different national. I wonder why I migrated here and got to know the people that I never meet before. My thought , they look funny with a blone hair , blue eyes , or even totally black :so_funny: Sorry !! But I have so much fun in US. Free people, holidays , snow no school , sport , football game , homecoming , SOL test , christmas vacation... added in my memorize. They are different from VN.
Tired.... quesstion me if u would like to... I love to make friends
Contact: Sorry but no posting your personal websites here. It's considered as "advertising". No advertising any webs in the forum:) Have fun.

Black & White
20-11-2007, 03:13 PM
i stayed up late last night.... not too late and i spent some times for readin' all majors that iam interestin' in.... even thought i have already chosen nursing program.... i think that i might be change mah decision but thats not easy as i thought.....:rain:
iam havin' too much pressure at these days.....gruuuuu wat should i do now..... no one can understand me even u the one that always promise that u 'll be by mah side.... and now who always make me sad?.... who can sharin' mah problems?.... iam all alone :rain: ..... i wonder wat do u feel if i decide not to pick up ur fone anymore..... Of course, i cant do it but at least i did it for a few days.... thats how i kno u r feel guilty,too....
did u sleep well at these day :meo:.... did u miss me?.... did u want me to answer ur fone?....:rain:.... i can do it but i didnt...... mah brain hurt bcuz of the word y.... y.... y.... its like flyin' and it makes me think more about the problem between u and me..... in fact, its not a big deal, rite.... its ur fault but it seems like both r tired too :thatall:.... ok forget it.... i 'll call u as soon as i got home tonight :kissing:

30-11-2007, 06:15 AM
May I have a small space in here???

Yesterday night, I went to Zippy for having dinner. When I was about to enter the door of the restaurant, there was a homeless woman standing outside. I walked close by her and she said something to me. In my opinion, I really dislike homeless people'cuz they are healthy and they do nothing, some of them are really young but they choose to go around begging people to save their life instead of working....What's the meaning of giving them something? Is that telling them : you don't have to work, I will save your life?....therefore I just walked away and pretended I heard nothing.
I went inside,ordered my meal and sat at the table that close to the window which I could look outside. The woman still over there, she sat at the corner...look tired and hungry. After a moment sitting there, she ran across the street and stood outside the door of a Chinese restaurant....people went in and out and all of them ignored her...just like I did...Something started in my mind...........I watched closely; she came back to where I first saw her and sat there......look worse.
I tried to finished my meal and went to ordered one mahi mahi, took the food from the counter, I gave it to the woman. She looked at me and refused to take the food. I tried to tell her that it's will be wasting if she doesn't eat it.....she looked at me again.....I put the food next to her and walked away. I felt a litle heavy in my heart,.....looking at the woman.....I wonder if someday.....I will somehow be like her......ignored by people around me.

25-01-2008, 03:32 AM
Being the most responsible person in the house há mede me become morẻ mature. I cánt be careless anymore even though I really want to. Nobody understands me but who needs them? I dónt, I am a loner even though I have friends. I wear a mask everyday to school without even notice ịt At night, instead of ressting, i cry my eyes out for the sake of my ơwn little self, I want to run, run as fast as I can, to a place that noone can find me and then I will be myself and I will sleep like a baby who dreams that she is in candyland

31-01-2008, 09:45 AM
Today, I totally get well after breaking up with my boyfriend. Everything's just so bright.

05-02-2008, 03:02 AM
is he hiding from me... is he?
is he getting tire of me... is he?
why am i acting like nothing is happening?
i was waited...
waited 'till i get a chance to talk to him...
but he didn't show up...
i was waited for so long...
but my reason that made me stayed up so late to wait for him seems so unreasonable...
should i tell him anyways...
we only have 2 days left...
i'll wait for him another night...
and then... what come will come :)

24-02-2008, 06:18 AM
a morning thats beatiful for me . when i go to school ! i will meet alot of new friend.
when i hug my friends i feel so happy inside my body ! i think the body of canada is lovely.when i came here , i don't speak english.i am afraid .but when i am yous to say english i will be happy! when i go to school with my best friends.i will give some gift to my friend . i think my friend will be all happy inside there bodys . now , my heart is warm and couse . when i get together with my family . i feel so happy . because they help me when its my birthday!my favorite is my family!i love family so much with all my heart. bye love you .
from: men and dalena toome and you!

26-02-2008, 08:50 AM
I hate this feel, feel about thing i dont wanna stay with. Why couldnt i leave it away. This is too much for me, for everything i have tried. You'll never change. I'm over your lies, and i'm over your games. Call you at night, and though you've been telling me, I know you're not alone. You're trying to drag me down, and fill me with self-doubt. Why must i get this result for everything i have done hardly to be with you. Is something missing in my love!!? What should i do now, i can not handle this feel. Crying ,heart-bleeding,broken...come find me, release me, come handle this feel. Everyday, i wait you desperately....Couldnt this mind be fixed by you!!? Why have you never come!!? You are so far away,will you ever come near? I even would die to have a glimpse of you, a glimpse of 3 years ago...I'm in despair and this feel is killing me day by day.
I have never been in this bad feel before. I'm so tired.........
What is LOVE!!?

29-02-2008, 04:41 AM
Sad..... no one give me gift.... just like the previous years... no one can make me happy... always sad... dun't have anyone to take care of me... of my life... or anything of mine.I want to come back to my home... i miss my home... miss my room... miss everything of my home... miss my friends... because i always feel happy when being at home and i'm not afraid of .... Today wasn't good at all ..... was really really bad.....qt make me angry....... i hate her....... hate..... hate so much..... in the night........ i'm feeling lonely on this sad cold night..... i miss you ........ my xitupiz hunni ..... miss your face......miss your voice..... miss your smile...... only you....can make me happy..... make me love my life more.I'm very happy and dun't worry about anything when i have you by my side....... you can make me happier. I dun't know why i love you that much..... but you are always the no1 in my heart..... hoho ..... my lover ...... xitupiz hunni.

01-03-2008, 11:33 AM
men your my best aunt. that's why i love you! but you have to buy me a gift !so i will love you more! so buy me more is that ok! i love you so much
your friend

05-03-2008, 01:40 PM
Hi! In these days, I am really tired. I just study and study although I am a freshman in a university. I am study not bad, but I am always worry about everything. I have lots of new friends here, so I am very happy because I can share with them. My class will have 8/3 which is organized by all guys in class. I hope that will be a wonderful dạy

07-03-2008, 03:18 PM
my aunt is the best because she's beautyful !!!!!!!!!!!!!
and Loveing!!!

07-03-2008, 10:52 PM
This morning i woke up later than usual. Felt a bit tired. Then try to answer my own question why she has left me. Suddenly an old man appeared and said "... because you were so selfish". Now feel very sad. However still keep the blance to change the character and perfect myself. After the sadness, the new brighter day will may come.

Nụ Hôn Thần Chết
17-03-2008, 03:34 AM
2day for some reasons, i feel so sad ... tried to call back to vn but none of those fone numbers work ... 6 years already ... i just want to go back ... just to reunite with all my bést friends and my second family there ... while searching for something yesterday ... i happened to find this old "sổ lưu niệm" ... all those pics ... all those lines ... all those fone numbers made I wanted to cry so much ....

Ngày Hôm Qua
24-03-2008, 04:50 PM
There is no way to escape, on dream to follow and finally no life to live. I'm invisible in this modern life. God please, give me a dream, a way, a life A dream of doing something higher farther and more realistic. A way to effort, to go and reach my goal. And finally a life of a good person in that boring world.

I went to a dream place for many people in the world, an then regretted that I had spent most of my life for nothing. One step wrong lead to another. Good bye everything, good bye my old dream. I will never drive my life to the "right" way again.

I'm sorry for everything. I am dead. Discarding all my past, I set my new step in the future life. Good bye my friend, good bye myself. I'm not that kind of that person, easily forgetting his old life, but I want to clear all even me. I died, and I relive.

21-04-2008, 03:55 AM
There are many things she hasn't finished.....greedy...also this feeling. Wanting to grab all things for herself. want to go abroad to continue studying. but haven't done anything..she still lives a boring life........poor her!

01-08-2008, 09:54 PM
I nearly have the same feeling as tieuthukhocnhe, I always want to go abroad but I don't have determination. I scheduled for this, many plans in my mind but it's not real because I don't really try my best. It's so terrible. I'm not rich so I can't study abroad without scholarship. My english isn't good, how can I try when I'm grade 12? It doesn't have time for me to improve my english for several months to go to abroad in Singapore, does it? Really hopless. What should I do? Please give me an advice...
If someone who know about interviews to go to abroad, please contact me. Thanks a lot

06-08-2008, 01:26 PM
My English is not good too, so now I have to try my best to improve it.
Personally, Talking is much easier than doing
This morrning, I happened to read this topic and I really enjoy it. I think why don't I write diary in English.
Hey, U and me, try try try together
Waiting for a wonderfel future... :D

11-08-2008, 01:51 AM
wah! i luv writing diaries, i can express myself and all that, its really cool!
okaii, lets start...
a boring sunday as usual, hate sunday skool, da stupidest skool ever ><" wtf do i hav 2 go 2 dat skool??? gggrrrrr.... oh yea im goin 2 lady northcote 2mr and i saw da weather forecast 2day, ít gonna b rainy and windy 2mr, far out T.T i want a sunny, calm day so i wont mind getting in da water... hic hic!
omg omfg!!! cant believe he finally accepted me, ive gone hypo yesterday wen i found out hé my friend now, but still.. i cant talk 2 him, it will seem a bit odd, and hes gonna think im a weirdo or stalker or sumthing (mayb he already did ==") and wen da hell is he gonna dump his gf? shes pretty but kinda *cough round cough* and ive been waiting 4 a loooooong time...
and hey PS ni xi huan wo ma? y dont u take a step forward b4 its too late? u seem lik u do sumtimes, but sumtimes u jus ingore me ==" ni hai xi huan ti na ma? ayya, jus say it wont u? or if u dont lik me at all then stop flirting me omg ><" i cried bcoz of u and u didnt even noe T.T u cruel person!
is dis a eng diary only?
*sigh* R will b on da same bus wif me 2mr i think... hes kinda hot but i kinda hate him (no, not hate him, but scared 2 talk 2 him, hes too cold) amelia sed he liks a girl called Tracy and hes goin out wif her or sumthing (hehe dat Tracy is me (NOT!)) wish me luk pplz! i neeed 2 hav a nice trip 2mr...

11-08-2008, 02:06 AM
i went lady northcote, kinda fun, da water was too cold but! and wtf is R's problem, shes kinda mean 2day ><" omg, T lost her iPod and pplz in my class think S took it.. ytf did any1 take it for? ummm, mayb she dropped it? anyways, wth, W told me he still liks me 2day on msn, gosh ==" and now dat fkn stupid player called J liks A again (exactly da same as wat he did b4 ><") hate him!!!:le:
A kept flirting wif L 2day (as usual!) so irritating!
g2g now..

17-08-2008, 06:04 PM
hey u!i 'd like u to write clearer,ok?'coz ím not good at ẹl. and this is the first time i've entered this forum. its really fantastic!hehe

18-08-2008, 11:47 PM
1 day........you go 1 day..............miss you so much, i wonder if it was a wrong feeling about you, I will wait until you come back, no matter how you behavior to me...........waiting is paint, waiting is missing, but I still wait..............if only you can understand my heart............try so much to fit to you.......love you so much ^-^

Pha Lê Tím
17-09-2008, 07:34 PM
I'm very tired. I don't want to try. I'm scare
Don't say anything. You make me cry!

19-09-2008, 09:22 AM
Happiness.. peace... today I understand it a little, when she plaited my hairs, leaned on my shoulder and slept as a cat.. I just wanted that moment a bit longer, time be slower... sometimes, I think about give up everything and come to her... but.... the distance of 2 worlds, she & I understand it better than anyone. We can't violate each other world ... be a friend, be a friend is too much....

19-09-2008, 09:35 AM
yesterday...so happy...always try your best, maybe you used to living in a place- a half of the earth. I still give up thinking of you, just want to wish you would be healthy, happy, successful.

26-09-2008, 03:25 PM
Why is it that when things go wrong, in relationship and in life, they sometimes go so hugely wrong?
Why can't Bad stuff come one thing at a time, so that you can handle that thing, get over it, and just get strong and ready to do some little thing important?
Why do Bad things always seem to happen right when some good thing is out there ready for you to grab?
Why some great thing that you have worked for and dreamed about, right there - but when you reach for it - all your dreams just die?

[Why and Why] ???

Guess - cauze i ain't Bad enough to be a Good person... That's Why!


06-10-2008, 02:40 AM
It 's hard to refuse.. and lie, especially with smbd who're important.

06-10-2008, 03:45 AM
Wat's luv
How'd u know when ur in luv
Or how do u know if u luv some1
Luv's tough
Luv hurts
Luv sucks
But i can't stop myself 2 fall 4...
Dun stop me
I'm gonna cry
Seriously i'm so emotional 2day >.<
Dun worry
I'm crying cuz i'm happy
It's hard - really really hard when u have 2 decide which way to go next
But i figured it out now
Not gonna force myself 2 listen 2 those boring songs again
I promise 2 b true 2 myself from now on
N no matter wat happen
Or wat da outcome gonna b like
You'll still be happy for me ...Right ^^
I'm so confused rite now dat i dun even know wat i'm talking 'bout nemore :P

08-10-2008, 06:56 PM
Wow! Unbelievable - 2 years later, still know who i am, still keep my pic, still know my name, still know my age, still remember everything... that's cool - but kinda sad little bit, cauze we keep talked about the past... i don't really care, just not sure what is going on... so...

then... we talked and laughed about some silly stuffs - i know it sound stupid, but i enjoy it alot... aint going to have a gf anymore, aint gonna for in luv with anyone anymore... yeah sure - you can call me G4Y if you want to... kakaka [aint true though] - Gudluck with the "đơn phương" thingy! tới đâu hay tới đó...

13-10-2008, 05:19 AM
a little bit fun, studying attacks my mind, try mybest, you're always my sunshine ^-^

26-10-2008, 10:42 PM
just finished watching the Hulk 2 and it was so damn gud...
facebook is so stupid :D u can actually stalk people with that :D
thanks for the name Thao...keep it as a secret between us...i'll delete those 2 pictures right now :D
feel bad

04-11-2008, 08:26 PM
god , seem too late to join now. couldn't see what people chated about in above :mecry:

15-11-2008, 06:07 PM
Tonight,i'm sitting here,alone up in my room and i am trying to write what i thinking and feeling about the times that we're been through,i really want to know what we did wrong with a love:

My .....slight fever is spliling and my heart is pounding.I don't know when it started I can't erase these feelings anymore.I can't turn them into lies anymore.Even if our encounters are by some ordinary stroke of luck.I feel there is some special meaning in them.For the fact that i can stay with you.I want to keep looking at the side of you face,showing no regret.Cause you're only one with me in my heart.The time i spend with you gives me unchaning power.These words that come up out of blue.I wish i coul tell you someday.So.....let's go together when you're all better,but.......only thing i can see is the shape of you.The oly thing between you and me is the sea of noise where dreams intermingle.This unchanging matter is living inside of you.This is the treasure which nobody in the world can touch.

Will you read it?hear it? and understand it?My sweethe

15-11-2008, 07:56 PM
I think her will read it if u give it to her. and will understand if u explain ^^

15-11-2008, 08:00 PM
I think her will read it if u give it to her. and will understand if u explain ^^
no no.... i just whisper by myself... she didn't love me . i am so sad.... give up...my life is nothing without her ..huuuuuu

15-11-2008, 08:31 PM
i love a girl in my class. she really lovely in my mind, even in my class i always keep my eyes to her. i feel happy when i do that .... i don't known ...i feel crazy.... i think i love her so much.. i try to do something make her smile... 2 day ago, i had a gift for hẻ birthday, 13/11 she said that it's bad day for people..she hate this number 13. she didn't want somebody give her gift as the pity. unlucky, this day was a day that we had a examination at school hix hix... i don't want her sad. after exam, she asked me that her exam is ok.... and i gave her a gift. i saw her smile but it's seem to appear few minutes. (i really happy at that time). it was apparent from her face that she didn't want to take my gift.... i try to keep my emotion and said good bye with her...

i don't know what i can do now,:ow: i miss her....s...o...much.... sometime i want to talk with her, try to make a long conversation. haizzz..... always and always she just make me upset and her sentences just only '' yes'' or ''no''. She live in An Giang... she come here to study... maybe she had a boyfriend, many times i asked her that do you have a bf ? she didn't want to answer my question. she asked me that Why? why ? not relative with you..like that...hix hix..... i upset now.......i need someone give me advise........thanks

16-11-2008, 05:12 PM
Let it burn, let it burn, gotta let it burn~~

30-11-2008, 12:35 PM

A lot of emotions going on in my heart, my brain... i'm really tired, i never thought that one day i will put everything down and give up without any reason... i only got 5 hours to sleep everydays, but today i can't even close my eyes, even though i feel paintful more than 10 ton... there's no way - i mean No Way - i can keep going like this... one last important thing, got to remember... Don't ever never give up easily - live with Peace... always happy and feel great or acceptable with whatever that you deserved - trust yourself...
[Yup - I Will]

07-12-2008, 10:28 AM
wondering how i am now ...sad or gad or just ...i don't know how to call this silly feeling, just know that it's very complex-eventhough i hate anything complex- sometimes i think i am a silly girl, i don know how to solve all... why i wanna keep far away them i just wanna keep myself safe, not to be hurted by any reason. i just wish to have a close friend understand, and never make me cry...somebody look at me like an independent girl, not a sister, and not a stranger in a group so what must i do now? leave them? i can do it but ...is it worth? maybe...but how can i do it when they are always beside me??? ...and about love i know the first love is very nice but it's gone 4 years ...why can't i 4get him? he's so special that i can not think about anyone...why??? ... the day still goes by ..the people still live... but not all of them feel well...i feel sick 4 all

03-01-2009, 06:07 PM
I knew it but still feel disappointed. What I have done was just a big disappointment. Nothing is good! Just forget it!

Omg!!! why can't I balance my life!!! My head is dizzied...

09-01-2009, 04:45 PM
hi every body.
nice to meet you.
Today is saturday, i have to go to school as usual, sad!
My idols are: Mỹ Tâm, Song Hye Kyo, Thư Sướng, Justin Timberlake, Briney spear...... and u?

05-02-2009, 04:44 PM
Ya aint know nuthin bout me
I aint know nuthin bout ya

But I do know one thing
I tried so hard to get away from those memories

And I got you now
I have you by my side... as always!

02-04-2009, 09:09 AM
Dear diary,
It was such a crazy day today. I went to bed earlier than usual last night cuz i wanted to get up early today; so i wouldn't be late for class. Well.... whatever.... I was 7 mins late. If i knew it was gonna turn out like this, i could of stayed up later and hung out with some friends instead. :thatall:
I'm really not looking forward to my Micro Lab. Its always fun, but bacteria, fungus, and viruses have been driven me crazy. I get so paranoid when eating or drinking anything. Is it contaminated? Is it safe to eat? Are there any germs that i cannot see? Aaaaaaa.... so annoying :guoc:
Well... everything has been going well to me so far though. Work and school keeps me busy. I'm happy to be with Lance - a nice and cool boyfriend. I love his family and they love me too. I get along better with my family. GREAT!!!
However, i'm still worried about my family in Viet Nam. My mom gets sick more often. Dad still has to work even though he is almost 60. Thats not right. I need to take a better care of them. But it seems tô hard since i live here and they are way too far away :( I miss u guys so much.
Gotta go to class. Wish everyone a great day!!!

snow love
03-04-2009, 05:22 AM
Hi my diary !!! ^^
... I just want to write something about how my feelings are , now . Maybe , you don't understand or never mind what I write about but It doesn't matter ...

... My life 's so happy and happy , now . I am too lucky Cuz I 've got everything that I need ... So happiness when I met my Daddy .It 's been 2 years seeing him . This time isn't a long time but this time makes me getting grow up and moture , it can make someone who 's change about way of thinkings or way of living or just way of speaking ... I huged him when seeing then ...He 's thiner and look so tired .But he 's always a perfect Dad to me ...

... From now I have got a Daddy who 's always by my side , loving me and caring about me ... I really wish that my family can have happiness ...For me , they are more important than everything ...

... Life 's more colorful !!! Somtimes , A lots of feeling are coming together . Exams are happy , sad , love , hate , tired or just nothing ... But don't think or worry too much , we should forget unhappy things for a lot of different ways in the life .

" ...As long as , We open our heart , happiness 'll come knocking on the door ..."

04-04-2009, 10:00 AM
Miss but not Meet, thats so crazy, right? what's our distance? time or space or your mind? i dont know, & cant understand, lolz.

How long didn't you call to me? 1month, 2 month, 6 month or 1 year or long more?

I met bro Hoai, and next week miss D will come back VN. They will have party wedding. I 'd hope, we have had a party wedding, same. but its not true, right?

Monkey call me as WIFE, but, who i am?

09-04-2009, 12:24 AM
Live to love?? Sure??

I hate mah self for loving u..So crazy , so stupid girl :buctoc:

09-04-2009, 03:23 AM
I miss you, my T :huglove:

11-04-2009, 06:50 PM
I want to cry,
to be broken apart
I want to lay
to be asleep.

Trang Sassy
21-04-2009, 06:46 AM
L00k at me.I'm here waitting for u
Even jf u get lost, blown away by the wind :bto:
I'm here waitting for u
Look at back

Come back to me ,plz :)

Dâu Tây
21-04-2009, 07:11 AM
Nwm co na to mám říct , prý vyjmečně pro Hanu ! a co já? nejsem vůbec důležitá co ????!!!
Krucina ! proč všichni jsou na mě tak zlí ! Co jsem provedla ?! Dnesqa jsem nabyla ve škole , spíš byla ale pro bráchu , neučila jsem se ve škole , ale doma . procvičila jsem se ale myslím že nic mi do hlavy nestrčilo ...Pane bože , můžete mi dát aspoň malinko lucky?Amen!! Na vítězkou - tam bych chtěla ale víc na Čakovickou ptž tam je lepší všechno prostě ..kluci , škola (nejblížší) a nejlehčí zadání :haha: aspoň doufám teda =)) nebo určitě ? myslím že ju ... Držte mi palce prosím pane bože , matko Marie a všichni bohové ! anděly a čertíci ! prosím !

Dâu Tây
22-04-2009, 05:32 AM
Prý , my dvě víme o co jde , tak radší už nemluvme - tywole!měla jsem ji tak ráda a moc !!a teď místo toho nenávist..snažila jsem se být milá a ona? jak kráva seká trávu.!!
Voděradská bude nařadě -zítra :) doufám že to zvládnu a sestra taky ! moc jí přeji !!! ptž Voděradská není pro mě cílem , jenom záloha =)) jinak Čakovice je pro mě nejdůležitější ! :)
Hodně štěstí pro mě a sestru , Karla Hùng Nguyễn a Karla Cường Nguyễn !!! dotoho lidi !

09-05-2009, 06:41 PM

I don't know what esle to say, to ensure that my feeling...will not be lost and waste.

It could hurt if it's just a game that had been set up just to trap me in...

crap! I feel uneasy right now!!!!:rain:


I kept on reminding myself.......

09-05-2009, 08:26 PM
A good memory is one trained to forget the trivial.
A friend asks only for your time and not money.
The desire of love is to give.
The desire of lust is to get.

These are my words for today :sr:

10-05-2009, 09:07 PM
One can't find the rightness from the wrongness. Do you know?

*Purpl3 Ros3*
15-05-2009, 05:58 PM
:mad1:...............Dam ppl uckfen pissed ma off...............i cun't wait to get da hell out of da... place... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

15-05-2009, 09:38 PM
wtf? sometime wanna to be a crazy person. the people, when start exesting there, is a mistaken.

15-05-2009, 09:41 PM
Shieeeeeeeeeet...It was a long dream. :sad:

16-05-2009, 07:41 AM
sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeertttt what is going on in my head??

a little bit of confusion, a little bit misleading to something else

I don't want to think about it but some how it driving me nut.

wake up now, stop thinking, stop letting the heart do the thinking!

i know i should used my mind better! and use it to think of better things than this!

alright, I will try to erase this, erase everything if it make...happier

Dâu Tây
16-05-2009, 08:23 AM
citím se líp , fakt líp :D když píšu česky a ne vietnamsky :D proč ? prtž nikdo mě nerozumí , mluvím sama sebou , a já chci takovýhle život ..ne moc hlučný , zvědavý ... prostě klidný . všichni mají svojí tamjemství a nikomu neprozradí , prostě soukromý život , nevím jak se dopadne když všichni budou jako já :sr: ale myslím že lepší než teď - mno aspoň si myslím :)
Nevím proč musím vzpomínat na tu holku :sr: o d s t r a n i t :dien:

:huglove: những ai đọc và không thấy bị tổn thương.

Trang Sassy
22-05-2009, 09:21 AM
I think of you ev'ry night and day
You took my heart then you took my pride away

I hate myself for loving you
Can't break free from the the things that you do
I wanna walk but I run back to you that's why
I hate myself for loving you

25-05-2009, 05:53 PM
OMG....waz was i thinking about....cònfusing about everything....
just realized that i gotta do something....
lets list those things up and do it step by step.....grrrrrr
was so lazyyy....wasting my time for nothing
hated my-self :sad: :huhu1:

26-05-2009, 10:04 AM
khứa khứa :cr: ur ma strength....together i think i can pazz thru dis hard time :confuse: :nod:

29-06-2009, 04:34 PM
Monday, the first day of the week, and I'm at home, lying around doing nothing. No school, no work. Free.

I often yearn for this freedom, but when I have it, I feel quite strange. It's like time is going slowly so that I could enjoy every moment. It's like a gift of God.

But as time just passes by like this, I become scared. Scared to think about tomorrow, scared to plan for my future. What am I doing right now? I have just tons and tons of things to do, but I just don't know where to start.

Everyone keeps running ahead, leaving me dragging this lazy body on the long road of life.

Well... don't think about what hasn't happened yet. I should just focus on the present, and go write whatever I feel like writing. Perhaps, the stress will disappear...

Dâu Tây
21-07-2009, 06:19 AM
- probuď se !
- ne ! nemůžu !
- proč ne ?
- jsem uvězněná..

s životem mluvím ! vrátila jsem se do České republiky ! citím se fakt líp. ale babička - děda tu nejsou :( styskají se mi.mě miluje nejvíc a já ji taky miluji nejvíc...

Chci fotoaparát !!! chci notebook !!! chci mobil !!! - blbý kecy .

On už ví . že ten mobil je můj :( já se bojím ... nevím co mám dělat ani říkat ! Dám to Janě ? nevím...bojím se

CHÁPETE to , lidi ??? nikdo mně nerozumí ...neslyší , nevidí !

Čeho se nejvíc bojím ? "bị lãng quên"

27-07-2009, 11:05 PM
Dear God!
Thanks to help me become so strong that I was surprise about myself.
Thanks to help me keep quiet and know how to ignore every single thing that I hate.
Thanks to help me know how to hold my tears inside, so no one can see.
Thanks to help me smile with heart.
Thanks to help me know that I still love to play songs, even if no one can listen.
Thanks to help me hold my sadness.
Thanks to help me know that I have to wait, because I can wait.

Thanks a lot !

28-07-2009, 07:29 AM
;4583351']Dear God!
Thanks to help me become so strong that I was surprise about myself.
Thanks to help me keep quiet and know how to ignore every single thing that I hate.
Thanks to help me know how to hold my tears inside, so no one can see.
Thanks to help me smile with heart.
Thanks to help me know that I still love to play songs, even if no one can listen.
Thanks to help me hold my sadness.
Thanks to help me know that I have to wait, because I can wait.

Thanks a lot !

dear god!!!
day... month...year..
i knew that i am not a fast learner even i learn everything too slowly although i try the best i can ...i wonder why i am so clumsy?why am i not smart to understand that they are not my friends? why am i so unlucky? why is the life not it fair to me? /.....but i will not give up , never ever !!!!i will change everything to make it better for me , i will go to the end path of my life , i will prove what i can do to s.o laugh at me !!!! i can do it ... can i, god?

thanks to help me catch more motivation to carry on my life
thanks to help me remind who i am !! what i have done !!!
thanks to help me believe in myself
thanks to help me keep my tears which does not overflow !!!
thanks to help me .....!!!! thanks, good!!!

31-07-2009, 04:23 PM
Weird? Such a weird feeling!!! I don't even know how to express myself at this moment. A mixture of feelings. But there's one thing I know for sure is that I'm not happy right now. I wanna get out of this place , don't wanna see those people. How come they can be so mean and greedy? I'm sick of seeing them fake a smile , say such a nice thing but don't really mean it. Well, I keep telling myself all the times that it's none of my bussiness; why I need to care about... I'm freaking nosy , I guess LOL
Things gonna work out by themseives. Is it true? I got screwed up by my best friend. Well, I should have never trusted her at the first hand. I really don't know how to deal with this ; but its not that important. What I worry about is : "Will that gonna mess up our friendship?". Even though I'm really mad now, I don't think I would be mad at her forever. But RIGHT NOW I don't wanna see her or talk to her , even just over the phone cuz I know I'm still really pissed off and might get on her bad. Geeezzzzz What should I do?
BAD DAY....................

31-07-2009, 10:06 PM
I don't know wtf is wrong with my workplace, it always brings me stress, wears me out, annoys me to death. I hate it, but I need to work. Money, freaking money, this world just revolves around money. Why do people keep picking on others? Why do they badmouth others? It's not like their own values would go up just by pushing others down! Why are bosses so greedy that they always exploit their employees? Giving employees money and they will feel like "maybe I should cut off some, so that I will have more money for myself." I have tried to be honest. I even returned the extra money that boss accidentally gave me. Why can't they understand? Why is a hard-working and honest employee like me being talked about like that? Why? Oh, capitalism!! Oh, jealousy!! Oh, greed!! I really hate this world!!!

It's a very, very annoying day. Why does that guy keep on terrorizing my poor cell phone? I don't wanna answer his calls, okay? I asked why he called, and it turned out that there was nothing going on. If there was nothing going on, then why call? Why can't he stop? Why can't he see that I don't want to listen to him? That he bores me to tears? That I'd prefer chatting with some girls on the Internet to talking to him? I don't want to hurt him, hell yeah, so I try to avoid him. But as this goes on, I'm afraid I will have to hurt him, because I can't control my anger any longer. Gosh, please, leave me alone!!

I've gotta swear... I need to find some place to swear out loud... so that I could release these feelings I have inside!

Oh~~ tomorrow is another work day... I so want to stay home~~~ Freaking boss! Freaking colleagues! Go to hell!

Ran Kudo12
08-08-2009, 09:51 PM
ok! i guess i gonna be the one who write my diary next!
it is a busy day today,my parents are going on vacation so its just me and my laptop!then i loggin to HHT...u may see my diaries online in this website:www.JENNYDIARIES.NET:remmember to capslock these letter on

Băng Tước
09-08-2009, 12:08 AM
LOL... She have hurled a stream of abuse at me with her friend. Lol... I can't belive that who I love... I'm wrong but you must do that? Everything you say, everthing you do can make me sore so much... I wonder if that you want?

All right... let say and do what yOu want...however I still love you.. love you so much... lol..

Trang Sassy
09-08-2009, 08:21 AM
I love you but I can not stop thinking about the mistake you've caused :)
Why?? Why do I have to bear the sense of this? I hate all what you are doing
Please love me as I love you, is not??? I am very tired.Really very tired.Do u know? :)

13-08-2009, 12:15 PM
Friends. What are they?
Just mutual exploitation, what else?
I don't know what is right, what is wrong.
But I don't like the fact that you turned your backs on me.
Wait and see how I'll react.
You will regret leaving me, but you can't blame me for anything.
Because you deserve what you will get, my dear.
Believe me, I used to love and trust you so much.
Goodbye and see you in hell. :D

13-08-2009, 12:35 PM
They say "Better to have loved and lost", a condolence to a broken heart.I scorn their resignation… I say "better to never have loved, then you wouldn't have lost".When you're alone again, all you'd have is memories searing your senses, not empathizing with your loss. The sweet turns bitter, and the bitter turns worse… and you're left to struggle with the pain."Love" never gives the promise of forever. It's us who do all the talking, like you're bound to say what your mind sows for you, no matter how high it is with all the confusing frenzy.Then, when it’s all clear, you wake up with the worst hangover of your life, not knowing what hit you. Karma works its magic "Better to never have loved" …maybe the resignation is mine.

13-08-2009, 12:36 PM
I was expecting the rain to come. It comes early in the morning and late in the evening. I hear the rain and I feel happy. Mom says I must be crazy, because she feels so bored. Guess what, I am happy because I cannot go out...

People look at my legs, not me. What a sad truth. People look at my legs, not my eyes. They try to understand how it feels sometimes. They try to give me sympathy, they try to treat me nicely. But, what do I deserve at real? None recognizes me since they all think about my abnormal self. I heard once, a girl in my class being asked what was her impression of me, she went: "Oh, that cripple girl..."

It is still raining a lot. How come I love autumn so much, when people long for spring and summer... I will come back to school, digging my head in a bunch of work and forget to go out. How come I long for this season so much?


Dâu Tây
30-08-2009, 08:56 AM
Jsem snad blazen ?? :D
uz se blizi nova skola :( este 1 den a budu s novými kamarady , ucitely ..
Já se fakt bojim.. haiz , nac ! držte mi palecky ...!!

30-08-2009, 09:25 AM
:hot: wow...Cant wait until tmr :phu:
I neeed to get everything ready now...
The new school year will start in tmr morning...dang it
:scare: hope everything ll be okay

30-08-2009, 11:07 AM
No turning back now.....
People ( as in parents, teachers, etc) expect much more from me than I do. Only two more days and Berkeley, here I come. Good thing I'm settled for this year... financial wise ( effort & hardwork pay off right?!). Instead of encouraging me to keep at it, Ba & Me always tell me to ..BE BETTER! YOU CAN DO IT!!! Come to think of it, I had promised them a lot, and I had never failed to keep my promises. I used to be proud of myself, you know, to be " the smart one", but I've come to realize that even pride is costly. Feels like happiness is out of my reach; feels like I don't have any choice but to accomplish my family's never ending expectation.
I know he's constantly cheering me on, but I miss him................ SIGHHHHH... Distance IS a B!TCH !!!!!!

Trang Sassy
30-08-2009, 11:38 AM
How can I remove him from here ??? :(

*Purpl3 Ros3*
31-08-2009, 06:25 PM
dang ,waz rong w/ mii , y do i feel dis waii....
maiibe... just thinkin 2 much...yep just too much
girl wake up.. you need to be strong and get out of there.. step into a rong waii......need to find da right waii gurl. yew are not and yew no it...-_____-... so get out of there......ASAP.... seriuosly... and gurl if yew reallyyyyyy.... yew no... yew should tell <>..... be strong and just tell <>... cuz <> reallyyyyy.... [not sure] but i think
<> is.... :sr:

31-08-2009, 07:50 PM
I'm sinking into depression again...... because of another thing I know I should label as "trivial", and it isn't a bit school-related. But I can't help it, so I go and reread her replies, imagine her singing and then recall the cartoon about a wolf who always says "Wait and see" when he loses. Distracting me and making me laugh for a while... she always does those, unknowingly.

I'm trying hard to forget those annoying, prickling feelings. Seriously there are times I just want to break down crying, but luckily that my amount of self-control is sufficient. Still I wish I could give each of the people who made me feel this way one good kick, or steal some neuralyzers from Men in Black and obliterate some of my memory.

I'm so retard.... so pathetic.... Maybe I should open up to someone before I start doing something very stupid... Mom is here, but... damn... how should I tell her... she never knows about this... She's from a different generation....

Dâu Tây
02-09-2009, 08:16 AM
m nekoho ... jako byl on ? ...ne :( ... cely 2 roky ...a ted =)) enom 2 dny mi staci abych na nekoho upe zapomnela ne :D

Mam smulu , ten hezkej kluk , kterej jsem se domivala ze do tehle skoly chodi ...odesellll :( to je takova smula ne ? :( ach jooooo !! :(