Xem đầy đủ chức năng : Quà tặng Giáng Sinh muộn màng!!!

23-12-2005, 02:53 AM
The Presence of Christmas

"May I take your wrap?" he said
As I stepped just past the door.
His words were clear and welcoming,
But his eyes said so much more.

With arms outstretched he beckoned me;
I stepped quickly to his side.
With clasp released and belt unfurled,
My coat began to slide.

Off my shoulders strained from the day,
Away from my hungry heart.
Down my back of history,
Exposing each tender part.

"I'll set it here," he said protectively,
"In case you feel a chill."
Then he led me by the hand
And whispered, "I truly doubt you will."

Mixing with others, I soon lost sight of him,
And yet I felt his warmth all night.
I wore a cloak of threads unseen,
Woven from love and light.

"Who was that man who took my coat?" I asked,
But no one seemed to care.
"Perhaps it was my Uncle Bill," Jane said.
"Or maybe our neighbor upstairs."

He was kind and calm and so accepting.
Such non-judgment is truly rare.
I felt so loved and safe with him,
That I freely shed my cloak of fear.

"I wish that others could feel his presence,"

I thought. "I wish that I could see him again."
Suddenly I was drawn to a flickering candle
And there at its base, a small card read:

"May you find grace in the face of adversity;
And see the fear behind a critic's eye.
May you embrace love and joy as they're offered;
And give generously of your heart and time.
It is then you'll feel the presence of Christmas."

Happy Holidays to you and yours.

Red Rose
23-12-2005, 03:26 AM
uh lộn chỗ rồi mình move topic nha

đi đâu bây giờ ta vườn thơ đối đáp bạn nhé

23-12-2005, 10:40 PM
Noel rồi đấy mọi người ơi
Tiếng thánh nguyện cầu khắp nơi nơi
Những lời cung chúc mừng năm mới
Những tiếng hân hoan giữa đất trời
Kinh kong....kinh....kong ......

23-12-2005, 11:05 PM
noel trước mình buồn khôn kể xiết
quà tặng nhau chẳng nói được nên câu
noel này nếu có được gặp nhau
quà tặng nhau cùng trở nên thân thiết

23-12-2005, 11:10 PM
Hẳn thế rồi noel này sẽ khác
Sẽ vui hơn với quà tặng chân thành
Tặng cho nhau những mộng ước an lành
Vui gặp gỡ một niềm vui khó tả

Mua Sao Bang
25-12-2005, 11:58 AM
Noel trước, giờ đậy vẫn vậy
Có nhận quà hay có tiếng happy
Cũng như thế mùa đông nghiệt ngã
Lạnh bên ngoài lạnh cả vào trong!