Xem đầy đủ chức năng : Final Essay "Cause and Effect"

14-12-2009, 12:37 PM
I still in ESL classes and tomorrow is my final but yesterday, my teacher email to students the causes that we can choose to write the effect. She said that she will choose 2 of these 5 topics to let's us choose 1 to write. These topics so hard to find the effect to write. Please help me as soon as possible. >.< I really thank you for your big help.

1. war(s)
I didn't want to talk about war so I think I won't choose this topic.

2. the environment

The environment is too big to talk about so I kinda confuse what I will talk about. I'm thinking about the earth warming, cutting tree down in the forest, and the trash now are too much which they cannot destroy or recycle it again.

3. prejudice
I don't really understand what this prejudice about?

4. outsourcing
Same thing, I don't know what is this about.

5. college stress
I'm in college now and I only think about hard to find a major, work in the afternoon and study in the evening or reverse, must ghet enough or more credits.

Please help me out, I really need it to think for tonight and write about it tomorrow.

14-12-2009, 12:40 PM
I think the 2nd one and the 5th one are pretty gooood , gooood topics to write about...
For the 2nd one u shud change it alittle bit...narrrow it down
lets talk about "Enviromental Awareness"....:sr:

14-12-2009, 06:34 PM
Hmm... true, environmental stuff is a wide area, a lot more to write than others... You can choose one from the sub-topics of environment, like global warming, species extinction, ozone depletion, deforestation, etc... to talk about. Effects are the change in sea-level, the melting of ice in NP and SP, imbalance in nature, "hole" in the ozone layer, impacts on health...

Prejudice is like, imagine inside the US, there are different races - African, Hispanic, Asian and white... The problem would be how they think and treat people from different races. You know, like some of the Asian Americans would think that African Americans are... um, rude, and dangerous, and that Hispanic Americans bear so many children than they could feed, stuff like that. However, this topic is very sensitive, and what you say on this has to be very, very objective, statistics-based only.

The effects will be like lack of mutual understanding, cooperation, gaps between races, and other social issues.

I'm not sure what outsourcing is either.

The last one should be fairly easy. College stress is often shown when finals are around the corner. Cause is fear. Fear of failing, fear of not meeting expectation. Pressure + fear + lack of self-confidence => stress => more pressure, more fear, less confidence. It goes in a circle. I've just done an outline for stress management, it's for a problem-solution presentation/speech so it's a bit different. If you want to have a look I can send you.

15-12-2009, 05:08 AM
Yeah, I guess ^^" I think College stress is good one to write. I also choose war. My teacher email me after I ask that she want me to choose another topic mean 3 topics. I kinda understand prejudice now. Maybe I will choose it if my teacher give us. For now, I choose war topic because everyone don't like war and me too. It detroy a lots of thing that we already see on TV and old movie. And the last one for college stress also good. Thanks for help, lulu ^^ and thanks for help, letue but that environment kinda confuse me now when I was writing a list.