Xem đầy đủ chức năng : Help me plizz ♥♥♥

24-05-2008, 10:38 AM
1.Why I came to Europe, my experience so far and, two years after arriving, my thoughts about my decision to come to France.

2.Hot climate versus cold climate: in relation to the weather, what are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a hot climate or a cold climate?

3.Some people think that young people have too much freedom when they are growing up and that parents are not strict enough with their children. Is it better for society when parents are strict with their children or is it necessary for children to be free to do as they please in order to grow into responsible adults?

Tớ vốn mù về tiếng anh ,ông thầy lại ra 3 cái đề này bắt làm , mọi người giúp tớ với :khocnhe::huglove:

24-05-2008, 02:52 PM
ông học cái class nào mà teacher cho topics = tiếng anh mà ông lại mù về english thế ha??/?

24-05-2008, 06:55 PM
ông học cái class nào mà teacher cho topics = tiếng anh mà ông lại mù về english thế ha??/?

3 đề này sắp tới thi , lớp tớ tiếng anh là bắt buộc mà hồi trước tớ kh học nên có bik chữ nào đâu :so_funny:

29-05-2008, 11:52 AM
kh ai help mình sao :khocnhe::khocnhe::khocnhe:

29-05-2008, 11:55 AM
Mai giúp :D..........................Time out rồi bạn yêu :D

02-06-2008, 07:01 PM
What class are you learning? The three topics,in my opinion, are so diffficulthttp://www.matnauhoctro.com/4rum/images/smilies/d.gif (http://language123.blogspot.com). Are you supposed to write or to speak about the three topics?

04-06-2008, 07:08 AM
1.Why I came to Europe, my experience so far and, two years after arriving, my thoughts about my decision to come to France.

2.Hot climate versus cold climate: in relation to the weather, what are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a hot climate or a cold climate?

3.Some people think that young people have too much freedom when they are growing up and that parents are not strict enough with their children. Is it better for society when parents are strict with their children or is it necessary for children to be free to do as they please in order to grow into responsible adults?

Tớ vốn mù về tiếng anh ,ông thầy lại ra 3 cái đề này bắt làm , mọi người giúp tớ với :khocnhe::huglove:

(Don't know if this would be too late :so_funny:)

These 3 topics are not that hard actually.. You just have to elaborate your ideas, but try not to go off-topic. I can share some of my ideas with you, however you have to write the essays on your own.


Why I came to Europe:

_to study?? familly bussiness?? wanting a new environment?? (your choice, better be a reasonable one!)

my experience so far

_you can talk about the places that you've visited, the food that you've eaten, the ppl that you've met. You can add some comments to these things to make them sound more interesting (also to show that you're pretty opinionated.)

two years after arriving, my thoughts about my decision to come to France.

_well, just write what you really feel about France. You like it there?? If you don't, state the reasons and blah blah blah..


Hot climate versus cold climate: in relation to the weather, what are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a hot climate or a cold climate?

These are just some of my ideas, try to expand them more and make them your own. I know every body hates being called a copy-cat. ^^


_Hot climate: the annual rainfall is normally high in the regions with hot climate. This favours the farming activities. People's needs for products like air-conditioners, fans, fridges.. will also increase when the temperature is high. As more transactions are made, the economy of a country will be boosted. Blah blah blah :D

_Cold climate: The need for cooling products will be lower, thus less electricity is demanded ==> less environmental problems...


_Hot climate: More electricity is needed, affecting the sufficiency of man-made resources.. Hot weather makes ppl feel uncomfortable blah blah blah..

_Cold climate: when it snows, the traffic might be affected. Cold weather can be very inconvenient.


Tớ mệt quá.. còn câu 3 từ từ tớ tiếp vậy.. -_-"

Chúc vui ^^

04-06-2008, 07:52 AM
thanks ánh trăng bạc :battay::battay::battay::cungly::cungly::cungly:
bạn cũng vui vẻ nhé ^_^