Xem đầy đủ chức năng : we learn a little bit new every day.......

02-04-2008, 11:08 AM
what's up? every body.i'm a new member. I found this web accidentally and kind of love it.To introduce myseft, I bring for you guys a little funny game. hope you guys enjoy it.
Five women have lunch together seated around a circular table.Ms Osborne is sitting between Ms.Lewis and Ms.Martin. Ellen is sitting between Cathay and Ms.Norris. Ms.Lewis is between Ellen and Alice. Cathey and Doris are sisters. Betty is seated with Ms.Parkes on her left and Ms.Martin on her right. Match the first names with the surnames.:icon_cung: cheer now!!!!

Dark Angel
03-04-2008, 02:13 AM
Are they: Ms. Parkes Ellen, Ms. Norris Betty, Ms.Martin Doris, Ms.Osborne Alice and Ms. Martin Cathay ?
If NO, I give up >.<

03-04-2008, 07:35 AM
once more chane.anybody esle?

03-04-2008, 10:19 PM
hj pretylady..nice to meet you !

08-04-2008, 03:37 AM
I have a question......there are 7 people u call them Ms. and there are 5 people u didn't call them Ms. That' the reason i don't get it. Cause u said that "Five women have lunch together seated around a circular table." And here are 12 people.....???? but guess that there are have some servants.

10-04-2008, 03:56 PM
i give up :lol: because this is so confusing :rain:
nice to meet u though :sr:

11-04-2008, 03:54 AM
Ellen Parkes
Betty Norris
Cathay Lewis
Alice Osborn
Dorris Martin
Is it right?

12-04-2008, 12:43 AM
I have a question......there are 7 people u call them Ms. and there are 5 people u didn't call them Ms. That' the reason i don't get it. Cause u said that "Five women have lunch together seated around a circular table." And here are 12 people.....???? but guess that there are have some servants.

they are lát name and first name,ghet it?

Ellen Parkes
Betty Norris
Cathay Lewis
Alice Osborn
Dorris Martin
Is it right?

awesome?you got it right