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Ðề tài: ----- Mọi ngừi dịch bài hát này giúp mình nhé -----

  1. #9
    Đang học vỡ lòng ^^ZhiXiang^^'s Avatar
    Tham gia ngày
    Aug 2007
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    I just want to try little som' something.....

    Memories are vain when they're meant to be erased
    But are everything when they're meant to be treasured

    sorry, my english are soooooooooo bad lately
    *Dont let anyone tell you that you're not strong enough*
    >You're never a loser until you say "I quit"<

    "Ngày Ấy Tôi Vẫn Đợi"
    Mời các bạn đọc truyện do mình sáng tác nha..

  2. #10
    Bé đi nhà trẻ Hoa Phượng Đỏ's Avatar
    Tham gia ngày
    Dec 2007
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    Trích Nguyên văn bởi Cho_mot_tinh_yeu View Post
    Your sentence is great about grammar, but it somehow changes the meaning of the original one.

    When I read you sentence I understand that: Your memories will stay in your heart if they are there. Of course they are in someone heart if that is the place they stay.
    I know, that's why I said i dont know how to translate very good ^^ and when you translate something, you can't have the same exact meaning anyways :/ well sometimes, but not all

  3. #11
    Đang học vỡ lòng ^^ZhiXiang^^'s Avatar
    Tham gia ngày
    Aug 2007
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    Trích Nguyên văn bởi <33 View Post
    I know, that's why I said i dont know how to translate very good ^^ and when you translate something, you can't have the same exact meaning anyways :/ well sometimes, but not all
    true, there is a gap between languages. therefore sometimes we cant translate it the same exact meaning. Also, dont try to keep it tooo close, or it'll sound weird too
    *Dont let anyone tell you that you're not strong enough*
    >You're never a loser until you say "I quit"<

    "Ngày Ấy Tôi Vẫn Đợi"
    Mời các bạn đọc truyện do mình sáng tác nha..

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