Title: 666Satan
Mangaka: Kishimoto Seishi
Genre: Action, Adventure, Shounen
Summary: In this world, there are ancient and mysterious artifacts called O-Parts, and there are people who can use them, O.P.T.s! Only a chosen few can use the O-parts, and they can be used for good or evil. Enter Jio, a kid with a dream of World Domination. Jio doesn't know why people hate him or why violence happens around him, but he knows he wants to have enough power to be free of torment. He decides to get stronger and sets off on a journey to find that strength. But there is a legend among the people that an evil demon is out there, one who can use an OPT's power against him. He kills without hesitation, and his name is Satan, and on his head is the mark of the beast, 666. The question is, will Jio ever find out the truth? Will justice prevail or will the beast?